Wednesday 23 June 2010

Welcome to our new pupils.

Hello everyone,
Another busy and exciting few weeks has gone by.The year 2 leavers are visiting their new schools now on a regular basis and getting used to their settings and new teachers.
Our four new boys have been on several visits and Harley is now staying all day once a week on his own. What a brave boy!
We are really looking forward to the sports events.Cai, Kyle, Lewis and Spencer will be competing for their houses tomorrow in the sprint, onstacle race and the egg and spoon.
Again on the Monday William, Hywel, Jago and Scott will be competing in the sprint, welly throwing and bean bag on head race.Good luck everyone.
We are also looking forward to the trips to Pontypridd park and the trips to Weston Super Mare. They'll have to take their buckets and spades with them.
Soon it will be holiday time. We hope to have a leaving party on the last day and we will need no doubt a good supply of tissues.
Have a lovely Summer everyone. Enjoy and keep safe.
From Mrs Bennell, Mrs Parsons and Miss Pearce.