Monday 13 June 2011

Lots hapenning in school.

Dear all,
 Well what a great day we had at Noah's Ark last Tuesday. Thank you parents for your support and sorry you got wet on the tractor ride. Great day had by all and it was a pleasure to take everyone. Photos to follow.
Don't forget about the Summer fayre next Saturday. There's lots to see and do. Come and support us.
Well our sunflowers are really growing well. It will soon be time to take them home. Please put them outside , keep watering and you will see them grow. Please send in any photos of them.Class photos tomorrow, so nice smiles for the camera.
There will be sports afternoon for year 1 next Wednesday 22nd June. The Reception sports are on the Thursday afternoon (23rd). Lots of practice this week weather permitting.
Don't forget Inset day on Friday 24th of June . No school.
  Take care,
From Mrs Bennell and staff.